Our aim is to provide you with a long-term solution that best suits the needs and size of your business.

These products are not only for coronavirus but have multiple benefits.

From viruses and bacteria to mold and insects, your machine will be able to service your business for many years to come.

With our easy-to-use machines and willingness to assist, you will have the ability to disinfect and decontaminate, giving your clients peace of mind, keeping your staff pro-active and ultimately, saving you valuable time and money.

Included with our products are 1 and 2 Year Warranties as well as all certifications and lab tests.

We are affiliated agents to DynaFog Africa and SaniChem SA based in the Western Cape.

SaniChem SA has been servicing the African market with locally manufactured and certified products for over 2 decades.

We ensure you will receive only the best after-sales service and advice along with an effective, safe, and tested product, from experts in the field who have been around far longer than Covid-19.

Call or Email us today for the best solution available!

Tel: 061 77 33 515

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Gavin White Owner